Tongue and Lip Tie Release
Ankyloglossia, or what is commonly referred to as a “tongue-tie”, is a condition in which the attachment of the tongue, the frenulum, is prominent and prevents proper movement of the tongue. According to the NCBI, the prevalence of tongue ties ranges from 4.2-10.7% of the population. A tongue tie can have a negative effect on the infant, causing latching problems, inadequate feeding, colic, sleep issues and improper formation of the hard palate. Tongue ties also affect mothers, causing pain in the nipples, blocked ducts, and poor bonding between mother and baby.
While the signs and symptoms usually are found during infancy, untreated tongue ties can have an impact on early childhood through adulthood. Children with untreated tongue ties are more likely to have food aversions, typically as a result of an inability to properly chew certain types of food. It can also affect speech development, skeletal development of the palate, dental hygiene, behavior, and sleep patterns. As these children develop into adults, these problems can manifest into jaw and clenching issues, migraines, improper posture and speech.

Early intervention of tongue ties is paramount for your infant’s health. Parents of infants with tongue ties have a wide range of options to resolve the issues. First and foremost, proper diagnosis and consultation with a lactation consultant is key to finding the proper
route of treatment. Once properly diagnosed, parents can find a practitioner that specializes in tongue tie revisions.
At Kempter Dentistry, we offer laser tongue and lip tie revision. We use a CO2 laser which allows us to release the tongue tie with little to no bleeding and no need for local anesthesia on infants. We also use medical ozone to significantly decrease healing
time and aid in wound cleansing. Proper post-op stretching and follow up with your lactation consultant, speech pathologist, or myofunctional therapist is paramount for successful resolution of your child’s tongue tie.
Reference: - NCBI article on prevalence

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