Platlet Rich Fibrin
PRF is made of fibrin that accelerates wound healing. It contains a number of growth factors found in human blood that assist in tissue regeneration. It significantly decreases the rate of infection up to 10 fold, especially following molar extractions and prior/during implant placement.
The PRF process is very easy. We draw some of your own blood the same as when blood is taken during a routine medical physical. The blood is drawn immediately prior to the procedure normally while the patient is getting numb for the surgery. The blood is then put into a centrifuge. The blood is separated into 3 layers:

PRF Advantages:
Faster healing time
Less pain
Decreased swelling
Accelerated healing of bone to dental implants
Improved strength of bone integration to dental implants
Decreased chance of dry socket
Improved natural bone grafting success
Increased early blood supply to tooth extraction socket
We use PRF in our office when treating:
Guided bone regeneration
Pulp regeneration