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 The New Patient Experience

One of the ways we are much different than an average dental practice is the way we approach New Patient entry to our practice.  At Kempter Dentistry we want patients who are seeking health.  In order to provide the highest quality dental health care we must spend the time needed to establish a relationship, a level of trust and gather data.  We want to know about why you are here and how we can cater care towards your specific needs. 


We are dedicated to making sure you achieve your dental goals and we will maximize any dental insurance coverage you have. However, we do not want insurance companies dictating your dental treatment or your health outcomes. Our patients deserve a certain level of care, and our main goal is to ensure that we provide this. Therefore, we do not participate with any dental plans as a preferred provider. We are considered out-of-network. As a courtesy to you, we will file your insurance claims electronically for you. If your insurance has out-of-network benefits they will reimburse you directly for any services provided here up to your maximum amount of coverage with your plan. It usually takes about 2-4 weeks for the insurance company to send you the reimbursement. In order to keep our practice costs down, and in turn keep the cost of your visits down, we do ask for payment at the time of service. 

Our New Patient Exams are catered to fit each individual patient’s goals, needs and concerns.  

Full New Patient Experience- Approximately 2 hours and includes: 

  1.  An interview and examination with one of our hygienist and one of our doctors to discuss dental history, chief concerns, and goals.  This time is dedicated to you.

  2. Patient education on dentistry and dental disease.

  3. Digital (low-dose) x-ray

  4. Baseline Head/neck cancer screening, a periodontal gum exam,  pictures of each of your teeth and review of images.

  5. After the interview and examination visit a treatment plan will be created and reviewed with you within approximately 48 hours-sometimes longer depending on the needs of the patient. 

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